In the Supreme Court the International Conference on:


In the Supreme Court the International Conference on:

Published: 10/24/2015

Supreme Court opened on October 22, the two days international conference on the topic: "The Criminal Proceedings in Georgia – Existing Challenges of Rapprochement with the EU". At the beginning of the conference, the Chairperson of the Supreme Court thanked, head of EU-funded project, "Support for the criminal justice reform ", - Ms. Renata Winters and the representatives of international organization - the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) for making  essential contribution of adoption of the Code of Juvenile Justice.

The Chairperson of the Supreme Court noted in her speech that the Juvenile Justice Code represents the significant innovation in the History of Georgian judiciary, due to the fact that it aimed to create the system, which provides juvenile crime prevention and contributes the juveniles proper rehabilitation and reintegration that are in conflict with the criminal law.

According the statement of Nino Gvenetadze the Javelin Justice Code corresponds with International standards, including principles and norms of United Nations Convention on the Right of the Child, also the United Nations Standard Rules on the Administration of Juvenile Justice (so-called the "Beijing Rules"). The Chairperson in her report drew attention to the important principles, such as the juveniles genuine interest, maximum support to the use of alternative mechanisms for criminal prosecution, fair trial guarantees, also necessity of narrow specialization in this field.

In the scope of todays conference, the following topics are to be discussed by the participants: Specifics of the German juvenile criminal proceedings; German law on pre-trial detention; right to defense (to appoint a lawyer and to participate in the preliminary investigation); Georgian review on right to defense; Pleading guilty and plea bargain in criminal proceedings; The use of illegally obtained evidences; Verification of preconditions of admissibility on criminal cases.

International conference was finished at the end of the day with the sum up discussion.

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