Training Organized by COE in Likani


Training Organized by COE in Likani

Published: 12/12/2018

A three-day training (6-8 December) on Human Rights Based Approaches was held in Likani with participation of the staff members of the High Council of Justice, the Office of the Independent Inspector, PR personnel of the judiciary and the media.

The aim of the training was to enhance awareness and knowledge regarding legal principles and practices of Human Rights Based Approaches, to analyse strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats from the human rights based perspective within the judiciary, to promote implementation of these approaches to the function of the PR personnel of the judiciary and the speaker judges. In addition, the participants overviewed Human Rights Based Approach principles in the context of the High Council of Justice strategy and action plan.

The three-day workshop was organized by the Council of Europe project “Support to the Judicial Reform in Georgia” funded by the voluntary contributions of Bulgaria, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Norway, the Slovak Republic, and Sweden to support the implementation of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Georgia 2016-2019.

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