The Chairperson of the Supreme Court met with the...


The Chairperson of the Supreme Court met with the Minister of Finance

Published: 07/10/2015

Financial support of an independent Court and simplifying the tax procedures and administrative disputes with the judiciary was discussed by the Chairperson of the Supreme Court and the Minister of Finance on the meeting held at the Supreme Court of Georgia.

 As the Chairperson of the Supreme Court stated for strengthening and stability of the independence of judiciary and for making timely decisions it carries paramount importance to regulate the issues of financial support of the judiciary, that implies, as the increasing of the number of judges, arrangement of infrastructure, as well as compensation of judges, in particular, their pension provision issues.

The Finance Minister also stressed the importance of financially independent and strong judiciary. At the same time he spoke about the Tax System in the Ministry of Finance and about the necessity of simplification the procedures of Tax and Administrative Disputes in the court system that is the one of the main demand from the business.

It was noted at the meeting that active communication and cooperation will continue in both directions between the Supreme Court and the Ministry of Finance; on the one hand, from the government side the financial support is to be provided for the reform of judiciary and on the other hand, the tax dispute resolution procedures is to became more flexible and simple, as within the Ministry of Finance as well as in the judiciary.

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