The Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia, Nino...


The Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia, Nino Gvenetadze has met with the German Journalist

Published: 04/02/2015

On April the 1st, 2015, the Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia, Nino Gvenetadze met with the editor and journalist of German publication “KAUKASISHE POST”, Rainer Kaufmann. German Journalist has been living in Georgia for 25 years and is actively involved in the activities of German Community living in Georgia. Rainer Kaufmann has been keeping track of the 20 years period of the development of Georgian Judiciary and had recorded interviews with the former chairmen. His first question concerned the biography of Nino Gvenetadze. “I have been an independent and impartial judge in the era of Shevardandze and I have never profaned the oath, which I made in 1999. The main standard for me, as a chairperson of the Supreme Court, will be protection of rule of law and human rights, strengthening the high ethical standards of the judges.”

German Journalist has also expressed the interest in changes, which are to be implemented by the Chairperson of the Supreme Court during the process of the judiciary reform. ”Every step, made in my private and professional relationships, will be based on high ethical standards. I plan to conduct the reform in several areas: to raise professionalism of the current judicial staff, to set standards of an independent and impartial judiciary, which ensures delivering reasoned and fair decisions. Also, in the form of public accountability I will demand self-evaluation and self-control initiatives from judges. At the same time, if executive branch or any other person tries to put pressure on judges, I will be the advocate of the independence and impartiality of all judges’. Also, within the scope of the law the disciplinary proceedings will be enforced effectively.”

During the interview, the Chairperson of the Supreme Court also answered many interesting questions, including on the carried out researches with respect to determine public trust towards the court and planned events in order to raise public trust.

The whole interview with the Chairperson of the Supreme Court will be published on the website of the Supreme Court of Georgia, after its publication in the newspaper.

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