The Supreme Court of Georgia Delivered the Acquittal...


The Supreme Court of Georgia Delivered the Acquittal Verdict

Published: 12/26/2013

On December 25, 2013, the Chamber of Criminal Cases of The Supreme Court of Georgia altered the decision against Zaza M. and David M. delivered by Kutaisi Appeal Court. In particular: Zaza M. was declared innocent of the accusation and as for David M. - the Court altered the qualification of the offense and reduced the penalty.

According to the case materials, David M. - was accused of committing aggravated murder, while Zaza M. - was accused in cover-up of a crime.

According to the weight of evidences the Cassation Chamber considered that already convicted David M. did not commit the crime on purpose and he killed Merab A. unintentionally. 

As for the convicted Zaza M., who was accused in cover-up of a crime, was acquitted because the Criminal Code of Georgia does not consider the covering of accidental murder as a crime. 

Accordingly, the Supreme Court of Georgia considered that Zaza M. was innocent of committing crime under the article 375 of CCG and released him from the court room. As for David M., he was found guilty committing the crime under the article 116(1) of CCG and sentenced for 4 years of imprisonment, which was reduced by one-fourth according to the Law on Amnesty and finally was sentenced for 3 years of imprisonment.

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