The Statement of the Supreme Court of Georgia


The Statement of the Supreme Court of Georgia

Published: 06/12/2013

Recently, various media outlets reported abusive and pressure-containing statements about the new judge members of the High Council of Justice elected by the Judicial Conference. One of these articles was published on June 12, 2013 by the newspaper "Alia". The headline of the article was - "What crimes have been committed by the judge members elected in the High Council of Justice". 

The article is overflowing with legal and technical miscarriages, but this time, we are responding only the main "Message", the main "objective" of the article. 

The author of the article tries to provide the public with not only inaccurate and negative information about the newly elected judge members of the High Council of Justice, but tries to insult and put pressure on the new members of HCoJ, who have to carry on a very important mission today – that is to promote the judicial system to further strengthening and successful reforms with their activities in the High Council of Justice. 

Judicial authorities ensured the transparent and public elections at the Judicial Conference, the newly elected members of the Council have the full confidence of the majority of judges, and if the politicians do not like the judges choice, it cannot prevent Judiciary to continue the reforms and make the justice more efficient and independent.

To name the new members of the Council as “butchers” and assess the cases examined by these judges on the level of "Rumors", serve the only one purpose - to discredit the High Council of Justice and put a pressure on the new Council Members elected by the Judicial Conference.

The Judiciary is ready to listen and accept any critical opinion, share and promote any suggestion for the strengthening of the court system and this is confirmed by the meetings: of the cooperation group with the Court; the wide-format cooperation with the NGOs and international organizations; However, offensive and pressure containing statements will always have an adequate assessment from the court system.

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