The Municipal Court of the Supreme Courts repeated...

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The Municipal Court of the Supreme Courts repeated dabarebis fact responds

Published: 02/27/2013

Today, on February 27, 2013, the chairman of Poti City Court again received the notice from the Prosecutors Office to appear in the investigation agensy.

Although the Chairman of the Supreme Court assessed the actions of the prosecutors office as unconstitutional and illegal, the prosecutions office still continues the unconstitutional action; it still violates the constitutionally guaranteed principle of the independence of the judge and asks the judge for the report about the case he delivered on a judgment.

Once again the Court reminds the Prosecutors Office the content of the article 84(3) of Georgian Constitution, which is the main law of Georgia - no one has the right to request the report from the judge on the particular case.

The Court calls the Prosecutors Office and the investigative agencies for to follow the law and the Constitution, and the Court, in turn, promises to the state institutions and all the citizens, that all reasonable and lawful petition will be adequately reflected in the Courts decisions, and every motion filed unlawfully will be assessed by the judge independently and in accordance with the law.

The judicial government hopes that the prosecutors office will take into account this position and relationship to the courts will be based on the adversarial principles and the respect to the judge institution.

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