Progress Report of EU on Implementation of EU/Georgia...


Progress Report of EU on Implementation of EU/Georgia Association Agreement

Published: 11/10/2017

A progress report on implementation of EU/Georgia Association Agreement was published on November 10, 2017 that covers achievements of Georgia since December 2, 2016 to December 8, 2017

According to the report, adoption of the Judicial Strategy and Action plan by the High Council of Justice in May 2017 received very positive feedback. Moreover, the report mentions issues of necessity of accessibility of justice, regulations concerning appointment of chairpersons of courts and judges by High Council of Justice, improvement of transparency and accountability of disciplinary procedures.

The record also noted fulfillment of the reform concerning expansion of the jury institution and it is said that besides Tbilisi City Court, now regional courts also resolve cases of the jury concerning different types of crimes.

Implementation of juvenile justice code was assessed positively and increase of diverted minors outnumbering the accused minors also received  favorable feedback in the report.

The European Commission also gave good marks to sharp reduction of number of minors’ preliminary detention and juvenile offenders and excessive use of alternative ways of punishment. However, the report points out certain gaps in the code and says about necessity of changes for their elimination.

According to the report the index of ease of doing business in Georgia has high ranking although the code of solvency needs some amendments. In addition, the report highlights issues of fighting against corruption on the basis of the Strategies and Action Plan of Georgian government and international transparency report from 2016 that is indicative of improvement of the corruption perception index in comparison with 2015.

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