Meeting with the representatives of international organizations

Published: 2012-01-31

On January 31, 2012, Konstantin Kublashvili, the Chairman of the Supreme Court introduced the representatives of international organizations with the studying program of the High School of Justice and court priorities for the year of 2012.

Georgian Judges are hosting the colleagues from the Ukraine

Published: 2012-02-03

From February 2, 2012, Vladimir Kolesnichenko, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Justice and the judges from the Ukraine are on working visit in Tbilisi.

A Danish Expert, Jesper Wittrup visited the Supreme Court of Georgia

Published: 2017-10-03

A Danish Expert, Jesper Wittrup visited the Supreme Court of Georgia

A Working Meeting of Analytical Departments Representatives

Published: 2017-10-03

A Working Meeting of Analytical Departments Representatives

The Supreme Court of Georgia hosted Representatives of the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan

Published: 2017-10-02

The Supreme Court of Georgia hosted Representatives of the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan

სიღნაღში კომუნიკაციის ეფექტიანი მექანიზმის ამოქმედებაზე იმსჯელეს

Published: 2017-11-11

სიღნაღში კომუნიკაციის ეფექტიანი მექანიზმის ამოქმედებაზე იმსჯელეს

Another court consumers research in the regions

Published: 2012-02-06

In 2012, the courts will actively continue their court consumers researches.

ევროპის საბჭოს ექსპერტებმა უზენაეს სასამართლოში ტრენინგი ჩაატარეს

Published: 2012-02-10

2012 წლის 10 თებერვალს უზენაეს სასამართლოში ევროპის საბჭოს ექსპერტებმა სასამართლოს მომხმარებელთა კვლევების ტექნიკასა და ევროპული პრაქტიკის შესახებ ტრენინგი ჩაატარეს.

Experts of European Council conducted training at the Supreme Court

Published: 2012-02-10

On February 10, 2012, the experts of European Council conducted the training on court consumers research technique and European practice at the Supreme Court.

International Conference “Arbitration Days in Tbilisi 2017”

Published: 2017-10-03

International Conference “Arbitration Days in Tbilisi 2017”

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