Nino Gvenetadze met with the Council of Europe...


Nino Gvenetadze met with the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights - Mr. Nils Muižnieks

Published: 11/12/2015

The Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia and the High Council of Justice, Nino Gvenetadze met with the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights - Mr. Nils Muižnieks and his advisors: Christine Mardirossian, Olena Petsun and Gilles Breuil. The meeting also was attended by the head of the Office of the Council of Europe of Georgia- Christian Urse.

Nino Gvenetadze informed the participants regarding the legislative amendments planned under the third stage reform of judiciary, which is aimed at institutional independence of the judiciary and establishment of high standards of individual protection of judges. 

Coming out from the significance of the issue the participants of the meeting talked about the necessity to protect the balance between the judge`s independence and accountability. The parties paid attention on the role of the High Council of Justice in this processes as the guarantor of the independence of judiciary.

The meeting was conducted in an active dialogue format.

The delegation of the Council of Europe, headed by Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muižnieks, is in Georgia within the official visit and is implementing the meetings with the representatives of the Georgian judiciary, the legislative and executive branches of Government.

As a result of the official visit in Georgia the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muižnieks will prepare the report, which will be considered in the framework of the Commissioners 2015 quarterly report.

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