Swearing-in ceremony at the Supreme Court of Georgia


Swearing-in ceremony at the Supreme Court of Georgia

Published: 07/31/2015

On 31 July 2015 in the Supreme Court the oath taking ceremony of judges was held. The 7 new judges gave an oath before the chairperson and members of the High Council of Justice.

The newly appointed judges are graduates from the High School of Justice. They were selected by the High Council of Justice on a competitive basis. The Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia welcomed the judges. Nino Gvenetadze underlined the importance of high school of justice in judges’ preparation process and she pointed out that it is appreciated when judges are appointed from the students of High School of Justice.

The newly appointed judges were congratulated by the former US Judge Tim Baland, expert of USAID East-West Institute – PROLOG’s- Project.

All seven judges will implement their authority in Tbilisi City Court.

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