In Gudauri the meeting on selection and evaluation...


In Gudauri the meeting on selection and evaluation processes of candidate of judges is underway

Published: 07/24/2015

On July 24 -26, 2015 in Gudauri, Hotel "Marco Polo" the working meeting is planned for the members of High Council of Justice and the Council staff on selection and evaluation processes of candidate of judges.

The meeting started on July 24, the participants welcomed by the Chairperson of the Supreme Court and the High Council of Justice, Nino Gvenetadze.

Former judge of the United States District Court, Mr. Tim Baland will share his experience with the participants of the meeting. Mr. Baland in duration of 22 years is being implemented the Judicial duties, and for two years headed Kosovo High Council of Justice.

In the format of the workshop participants will discuss in detail regarding the objectives of evaluation process of the candidates and about the basic principles and criteria  of the assessment process, will learn about international experiences, which, ultimately, will contribute to the improvement of judicial candidates selection and evaluation system and assist the transparency of the process.

The meeting is organized by the USAID - East West Institute PROLoG s - supported project.

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