Scientific-Consultative council session in the Supreme...


Scientific-Consultative council session in the Supreme Court of Georgia

Published: 07/16/2015

On 15 July 2015, in the Supreme Court regular meeting of the scientific consultative council was held. The session was opened by the Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia; she talked about the importance of the scientific-consultative council. Nino Gvenetadze underscored the necessity of dialogue between the Legal scholars and judges and noted that such meetings will contribute to the timely and efficient resolution of the problematic issues.

Meeting held July 15 differed from previous meetings in a way that reviewed issues have been presented not by judges, but by scientists. Scientific workers of Tinatin Tsereteli Institute of State and Law plan to implement the scientific research on the sanctions and about the peculiarities of their Imposition. The research will consider both theoretical and practical aspects. For this purpose, they appealed to the Supreme Court and requested to obtain the opinions of judges in this regard. On the meeting also was discussed the practical case study from the court practice related to this issue. The judges sheared their experience to the researchers and presented opinions about the legislative gaps and regarding the judicial practice.

The meeting was attended by the judges of the Supreme Court, judges of the Tbilisi Court of Appeal and Tbilisi City Court, professors, Scientific workers of  Tinatin Tsereteli Institute of State and Law.

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