The Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia has...


The Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia has met with the judges of Kakgeti region.

Published: 06/14/2015

On June 12-13, 2015 The Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia Nino Gvenetatze has met with the judges of Kakgeti region. The meeting was dedicated to the legislative amendments planned under the third phase reform of judiciary.

Nino Gvenetadze presented report about the legislative amendments in The Organic Law on “Common Courts of Georgia”.

The topic of discussion also was the amendments in the laws on “Disciplinary responsibilities of the judges of Common Courts and disciplinary legal proceedings “, “High School of Justice”  and «Criteria of admissibility of cassation complaints in the Supreme Court”.

The report about the draft laws was followed by discussion, during which judges expressed their opinions and expressed the satisfaction towards the fact that before the submission of the draft laws to parliament the opinions and positions of the judges were envisaged.

Designated meeting was initiated by the Supreme Court of Georgia.  The meeting was supported by the Project of Council of Europe - “Strengthening the Independence and Efficiency of the judicial System in Georgia”.

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