Nino Gvenetadze gave a speech while attending the...


Nino Gvenetadze gave a speech while attending the hearing of report about the evaluation of national integrity system

Published: 06/11/2015

In 8th June of 2015, the Chairperson of The Supreme Court attended the presentation of national integrity system report and delivered a speech.

Today, “Transparency International Georgia” released a comprehensive national integrity system report. Designated report examines the functioning of 12 institutions in Georgia. Document released in2015, represents positive and negative changes in the system during the last four years.

The key positive changes occurred in 2011-2015 in court system identified “A more independent judiciary as demonstrated by a more proactive behavior of judges in relation to the Prosecutors on criminal trials as well as the growth of the number of administrative disputes won by private parties against the state”.

At the same time, the research reveals that “Evidence of political motivation and signs of selective application in the criminal cases against former public officials, harms as the credibility of independence of judiciary, as well as the law enforcement agencies”.

During the speech the Chairperson of the Supreme Court reviewed fundamental directions that are to be implemented by the judiciary in the framework of third stage reform.

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