The Chairman of the Supreme Court introduced the...


The Chairman of the Supreme Court introduced the judges with the standard communications

Published: 09/22/2011

On September 21, Konstantin Kublashvili, the Chairman of the Supreme Court, met the judges and introduced with the recommendations regarding the communication of a judge with the court room.

If so far the great attention was paid on the vocational training of judges, from now on, the communication skills became more important, which ultimately will make the process more complete and impartial.

The recommendations focus on the issues of communication, which will assist the judge to maintain the auspicious relations with parties in the court room during the entire process. According to the recommendations, it’s important to explain the final judgment to the parties by the simple and easy way, what will facilitate the citizens in understanding the nature of the decision in future.

The next stage of developing of recommendations will be the trainings for judges.

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