The Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia has...


The Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia has met with the Ambassador of Switzerland

Published: 04/22/2015

On 17 April of 2015 the Chairperson of the Supreme Court Nino Gvenetadze met Gunther Bechler, the Ambassador of Switzerland.

The Ambassador of Switzerland thanked the Chairperson of the Supreme Court for invitation and for expressing her interest in matters which concern on disputes regarding the foreign investments. The Ambassador made his point regarding these matters in his interview in FINANCIAL magazine.

Nino Gvenetadze emphasized the fact that the Court does not ignore any critical remark which relates to impartial and independent administration of justice.

In response to the Ambassadors position, the Chairperson of the Supreme Court explained that examination of court cases will be initiated and on the the ground of detected problems and defects recommendations for judges will be prepared.

The Ambassador received information about all legislative instruments which may be applied towards judges whose disciplinary deviation will be confirmed, about procedures for investigation of alleged corruptive conduct under the law and cooperation with the prosecution authorities.

The Chairperson of the Supreme Court and the Ambassador of Switzerland have agreed that during the examination of these matters they will exchange information in order for all questions to be answered about the lawfulness of the process and in order to satisfy as public interest as they have right to possess verified and correct information about the administration of justice.

So far no complaint has been submitted to the Supreme Court on the above mentioned issues.

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