The next scientific-consulting meeting was held in the...


The next scientific-consulting meeting was held in the Supreme Court of Georgia

Published: 04/20/2015

On April 16, 2015 the next scientific-consulting meeting was held in the Supreme Court of Georgia. At the meeting judges of all the three instances, members of High Council of Justice, scientists, professors of educational sphere and lawyers discussed the problems which exists in legal proceedings, among them,the issues of procedural regulations concerning the avoidance and self-avoidance of judges and problems connected with articles 59 and 62 of Criminal Procedural Code. Drawbacks on the legislative levels were pointed out and propositions were agreed to develop unified case law. In addition, the problems in the law on Allocation of Cases in Common Courts and Transfer of Competence to Other Judges were emphasized, which appears in practice and need to be resolved. In order to do this, particular importance is given to the establishment of electronic system of allocation of cases in Common Courts and permanent coordination with the High Council of Justice of Georgia. The visitors included the head of EU project “Reform of Criminal Law in Georgia” judge Renate Winter and expert, the judge Agnesca Milarth.

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