The Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia has...


The Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia has met with the EU ambassador

Published: 04/03/2015

On the 3rd of April 2015 the Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia Nino Gvenetadze has met with EU ambassador Mr. Janos Herman.

EU ambassador has congratulated to Nino Gvenetadze on her election as the Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia and has given a high assessment to the procedure which was entailed with by election in respect of this position. ‘‘Your election was very important and crucial moment, since it was a consequence of competitive, transparent and inclusive procedure. Personally, I sincerely appreciate you. We are well informed about your past, career and I hope that you will deal with the challenges standing before you with dignity. Court reform is a cornerstone in terms of Georgia - EU relationship and represents of a paramount importance to the Association Agreement. My message as the EU ambassador’s is great respect towards you, as well as support in Court’s reform procedure. ’’

The Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia has expressed a deep respect towards the ambassador and has thanked for the work which is carried out by EU in terms of the judicial reforms. “Your assessment increases my responsibility. My background does not enable me not to have those views and motivation which relates to the judicial reforms and, specifically, obligations connected with the role and importance of  the judicial reforms in the context of the Association Agreement” – stated Nino Gvenetadze at the meeting with ambassador.

At the meeting, EU ambassador emphasized the participation of Nino Gvenetadze as an expert in the EU project which concerned the reformation of legislation on juvenile justice. On her part, the Chairperson of the Supreme Court thanked to the ambassador for appreciation and recognition of her labor and stated: “I still remain active supporter of this course and express my readiness to take part in discussion of Parliamentary Committee sessions and to point out the positions which were not achieved and shared in the working process. In addition, I will seek to ensure the training of judges in the context of juvenile justice in order to create the justice system in accordance with the international standards. Justice reform is hard and long-term process, which requires reasonable time and constant effort. We will manage this process with open policy, constant communication with society, non-international and international organizations, media and justice service receivers. The aim will be procedure based on the rule of law and the priority will be the human rights”.

EU ambassador and Chairwomen discussed the future projects and perspectives of cooperation.

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