Konstantine Kublashvili has met with the heads of the...


Konstantine Kublashvili has met with the heads of the Diplomatic Corps and International Organisations

Published: 02/23/2015

On February 19, 2015, the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia, Konstanine Kublashvili, held the summarizing meeting with the representatives of the Diplomatic Corps and International Organisations.

The Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia, Konstanine Kublashvili, introduced issues to the guests about what had been done during 10 years period of the Judicial System. 

The Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia, Konstanine Kublashvili, discussed landmark achievements, such as: eradication of corruption within the Judicial System, establishment of proper financial and social conditions for the Judges and empowerment of the material and technical base. He also discussed the issues, which promoted the transparancy and accessibility of the Judicial system.

The heads of the Diplomatic Corps positively assessed implemeted reforms within the Judicial System and 10 years period of Chairmanship of Konstantine Kublashivili.

At the end of the meeting, the Chairman of the Supreme Court, Konstantine Kublashvili, thanked to the Ambassadors and Heads of the representations of International Organisations for support and encouragement.

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