The Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia,...


The Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia, Konstantine Kublashvili Attended the presentation of book concerning criminal cases

Published: 02/13/2015

On February 13, 2015 the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia, Konstantine Kublashvili, held the final meeting with his foreign guests at the “Radisson Hotel” on the  standards of substantiation of judgments.

The meeting was attended by EU project “supporting programme for criminal justice reform in Georgia” – Chief Judge Renate Winter, Legal Consultant of the US Justice department Stephen Neff and Council of Europe Project Manager, Mariana Chicu.

Working group was created about year ago. As a result of their work, appropriate proposals concerning the form of judgments, substantiation and correctness of text, were prepared. Each of these documents was examined during the commission meetings. The documents gained more practical character and were made conformable to the contemporary standards, as a result of recommendations of Georgian and International experts.  

International experience on the reasoning of Judgments abroad, as well as existing practice in Georgia and the requirements of domestic legislation were taken into account while creating the Book of the Guiding Proposals (Recommendations).

Book of the Guiding Proposals on the form of judgments in criminal law cases, its reasoning and functionality of the style of texts is intended as for the judges from Common Courts System, also for practicing lawyers and representatives of academia.

The project was carried out by the financial support of the Project of the Council of Europe Project „Strengthening the Independence and Efficiency of the Justice System in Georgia”, European Union’s - “Support for the reform of the Criminal Justice System”, and the programs of the Legal Advisor of US Department of Justice.

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