The Chairman of the Supreme Court held meeting and...


The Chairman of the Supreme Court held meeting and summarized previous year

Published: 12/29/2014

On December 29, 2014 the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia met with the representatives of the media. Konstantine Kublashvili before the journalists evaluated not only 2014 year, but also 10 years period of his chairmanship of the Supreme Court.

As the Chairman of the Supreme Court mentioned, as a result of the realized changes through the past 10 years, the society received nowadays existing court. This is, first of all, the court completely free from corruption, well-equipped buildings with proper and newest technologies, guarantee of financial independence, European model of the system of appointment and promotion of judges, dramatically increased degree of transparency and accessibility of the court – all together ensure the high standard of independence of judges – this was the evaluation of the reformed judiciary through the past 10 years by Konstantine Kublashvili.

Speaking about the problems of judiciary system, the Chairman of the Supreme Court, named the three-year probationary period as a main deficiency of the judiciary.

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