Information regarding the incident at the Batumi City...

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Information regarding the incident at the Batumi City Court

Published: 07/30/2011

On July 28, 2011, the Chairman of the Batumi City Court charged the lawyer Ramin Papidze with imprisonment for a period of 10 days due to the disrespect of court, violation of rules at the court room and assaultive act on the bailiffs (court officers) at the foyer of the court.
The lawyer Ramin Papidze defended the interests of seven accused persons at the Batumi City Court, who were accused for blocking the broadcasting, which impeded the normal functioning of this office and for the resistance on the police officer.
Within the case trial and preventive measures, three accused persons declined the service of the lawyer Papidze. From its’ first trial the lawyer Ramin Papidze expressed disrespect towards the court and systematically violated the rules, which had been reflected back on the sanctions put against him, which were introduced in the court protocols with the chronological accuracy. On every stage of the case trial, with all judges the lawyer violated the rules with different ways.
On May 23, 2011, when the court was considering the issue on the preventive measures of the accused persons, for the disobedience of the order of the Chairman of the trial and disrespect of the court for four times, he was charged with fines, in the amounts of 100, 200, 300, and 1000 GEL, in total for 1600 GEL. On July 1, 2011, on the same case trial the lawyer continued to violate the court rules and was charged with fine, in the amount of 800 GEL.
On July 27, 2011, case trial, the judge Vera Dolidze was essentially considering the case and despite of judges’ warning, he didn’t’ comply the court instructions, expressed disrespect and violated the court rules. Due to the above mentioned, the judge charged him with fine, in the amount of 200 GEL. However, the lawyer continued to violate the rules and the judge immediately increased the fine up to 300 GEL.
On July 28, 2011, despite of the violation of court rules at the court session and measures undertaken against lawyer Ramin Papidze, he continued to violate the rules, expressed disrespect and interrupted party with loud exclamation in the process of interrogation of witness. Due to the above said, the judge warned him, but the lawyer expressed disrespect towards the judge, addressed her roughly and didn’t comply the direction given by her (the judge). Therefore, the judge charged him with fine, in the amount of 200 GEL. After the fining, the lawyer Ramin Papidze continued to violate the rules, shouted in the court room and applied the court roughly. According to the order of the judge he was expelled from the court room. When going out from the court room with the bailiff (court officer), he resisted, shouted out with unquotable words, assaulted and cursed the bailiff (court officer) I.Zaqaradze at the foyer of the court. The bailiff couldn’t arrested the lawyer Ramin Papidze on the place of violence due to the interference of his supporters, who took him out of the building.
According to the Order (July 28, 2011) of the Chairman of the Batumi City Court, the lawyer Ramin Papidze was charged with imprisonment for a period of 10 days.
The analysis of the fact shows that the lawyer, who must take care of his client with the legal defense and not violate the professional code of ethics, he was abusing the court rules and disrespecting the court.
The order at the court is one of the achievement of the reform. Some lawyers attempt, to return the previous years court, will not succeed.
The court urges all lawyers to utilize the peace and order at the court rooms in good faith and to carry out their professional duties. Any attempt of outrage against the court will be legally assessed. This is the standard in all democratic countries and the Georgian court is no longer an exception.

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