Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili Congratulated the National...


Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili Congratulated the National Centre of Manuscripts the Day of Establishment

Published: 07/03/2014

On June 30, 2014, the ceremony on the occasion of the establishment of the National Centre of Manuscripts was held. "We - the National Centre of Manuscripts' - was the name of the center report presented in the exhibition - presentation format. The illustrative material of scientific, cultural and social activities, and international cooperation was presented on the event; and also, the manuscripts and publications donated to the Centre during the recent years.

The Supreme Court of Georgia has been actively cooperating with the National Center of Manuscripts. With the support of the Court the second volume of “Georgian Historical Documents” was published. “the Museum of Justice” of the Supreme Court of Georgia was established with the active assistance of the National Center of Manuscripts.

On behalf of the Supreme Court of Georgia Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili congratulated the establishment day to the Center Director Mr. Buba Kudava and in memorial of the event presented the miniature sculpture of Themis - a symbol of justice.

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