The Conference of the Chairmen of the Supreme Courts...


The Conference of the Chairmen of the Supreme Courts of Central and Eastern Europe

Published: 06/23/2014

On June 23, 2014, the Conference of the Chairmen of the Supreme Courts of Central and Eastern Europe was opened at the Hotel Radisson Blue Iveria. The Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili opened the Conference. The President of Georgia Mr. Giorgi Margvelashvili also welcomed the Conference participants. The Chairmen of the Supreme Courts of 13 countries from Central and Eastern Europe participate in the meeting. In whole 30 delegates will attend the Conference.

The Conference was founded in Prague and the first event was held in the same country. From 2011, the conference is held annuallyin different countries of Central and Eastern Europe. One of the Conferenceorganizers is the Prague CEELI Institute, whose main focus is to strengthen the rule of law around the world.

The Chairmen of the Supreme Courts of 13 countries from Central and Eastern Europe will participate in the above meeting. The conference will be attended by 30 delegates.

Besides the Chairmen of the Supreme Courts, the President of Georgia and the Ambassadors of the USA and Germany will deliver the welcoming speeches.

Since the central and eastern European countries are facing the samechallenges, such conferences are the opportunity to share experiences, to exchange projects and ideas andmutual reinforcement approach.

The Judge of the Appeal Court of the United States Mr. John Walker traditionallyattends the Conference. He is oneof the founders of the Conference of Chairmen of the Supreme Courts from Central and Eastern Europe.

The Conference participants will discuss important issues, such as: a clear, well-reasoned decisions, long-term judicial process management (by using the online conferencing); effective disciplinary mechanisms. In addition, the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia will deliver report on the continuing education and electronic form of case managements.

This Conference of the Chairmen of the Supreme Courts of Central and Eastern Europe is distinguished by its content, because the participating countries will sign a memorandum of understanding on the principles of judicial independence. Besides the working part of the meeting, there are scheduled variouscultural events. The Conference will end on June 25.

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