Director of European Human Rights Advocacy Centre...


Director of European Human Rights Advocacy Centre (EHRAC) Professor Philip Leach Attended the Presentation of the Human Rights Centre of the Supreme Court of Georgia

Published: 04/02/2014

On April 2, 2014, at the Library of the Supreme Court was held the presentation of the Human Rights Centre of the Supreme Court of Georgia.

The Human Rights Centre is actively involved in the popularization of the European Courts case-law, which has operated since 1999 and is one of the divisions of the Department of Statistics and Analysis of the Supreme Court.

Currently, the Human Rights Centre of the Supreme Court has expanded the scope of the activity. Since 2009 there was published annually collections: a) Judgments and Decisions Against Georgia b) Selected Judgments and Decisions Delivered by European Court of Human Rights; and c) From 2014 - Thematic Directory of the Case-Law (Factsheets).

Human Rights Centre is in close coordination with both the Supreme Court Judges and the judges of lower courts. In particular, the issue of reasoning of judgments/decisions is very important and therefore the Human Rights Centre delivers the latest news and important precedent, which helps the judges during the reasoning of judgments/decisions.

In addition, international law faculty and  law school students who are successful in their field of study have their internship at the Human Rights Centre. They actively participate in the translation process of the selected decisions of the European Court. Weekly meetings are also held at the Center.

The editorial board for English translated decision was to set up, which consists of the representatives of the Supreme Court, Tbilisi City Court and the Ministry of Justice. Translation of legal terms and collation is under the proceeding.

The Human Rights Centre also has a close cooperation with Case-law Information and Publications Division of European Court of Human Rights, which publishes the translated decisions into Georgian Language on the HUDOC.

The presentation was welcomed by the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili and Professor Philip Leach, who is the Professor of Human Rights Law at Middlesex University and also the Director of European Human Rights Advocacy Centre (EHRAC) and the practicing lawyer at the European Court of Human Rights.

The Future Plans of the Human Rights Centre were introduced to the invited guests. In particular, the publication of the above annual compilations will be continued. The Human Rights Center intends full cover of the courts.

It should be noted that the Centre intends to create a unified electronic database for the Georgian translated decisions of the Strasbourg Court and provide the training for the interns.

Among the invited guests there are the judges, representatives of academic circles, practicing lawyers, and representatives of international organizations working in Georgia.

At the end of the presentation Professor Philip Leach visited the historic building of the Supreme Court and the “Museum of Justice”.

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