The Supreme Court Reduced the Sentence for the...


The Supreme Court Reduced the Sentence for the Convicted and Released

Published: 03/27/2014

On March 26, 2014, the Chamber of Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of Georgia partially upheld the cassation claim of the convicted Kh.Z. and the action of the convicted committed according to the Art. 19,160 (2) “b” of the Criminal Code of Georgia was changed to the Art.150 (1) of the Criminal Code of Georgia.

The City Court of Kutaisi and then the Appeal Court of Kutaisi found guilty convicted person Kh.Z. for the attempt to entry into the apartment against the owners will with the violence threat, which violates the integrity of the apartment.

The Supreme Court found that the first instance and appellate courts gave the wrong legal assessment of the offenders actions, as a result the committed crime was qualified to coercion (restrictions of free will of an individual i.e. compel the individual to do some act against his or her will by the use of psychological pressure, physical force, or threats). Therefore, the sentence of the convicted person was reduced to 1 year and he was released from the prison.

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