Telavi District Court delivered the judgment


Telavi District Court delivered the judgment

Published: 07/04/2011

On May 11, 2011, Telavi District Court accomplished the case trial of Zaza Bedoshvili, who was charged for premeditated murder in aggravating circumstances and theft of under age Tsitsino Qitashvili.
According to the case materials, Zaza Bedoshvili and under age Tsitsino Qitashvili had close intimate relationship. 

On August 26, 2010, Tsitsino Qitashvili notified Zaza Bedoshvili about her pregnancy and asked him to marry, if not she stated to address the police. After their conversation, Zaza Bedoshvili intended to murder the under age pregnant Tsitsino Qitashvili and smothered her. As he convinced that the victim was dead, in order to conceal the crime, he had hidden the dead body in the cement construction, car box and covered it with dust and grasses. Afterwards he theft the cell phone of Tsitsino Qitashvili and disappeared from the place of incident. 

When considering the case, the accused admitted the crime partially, he confirmed the murder of Tsitsino Qitashvili, but stated, that he didn’t know about her pregnancy and didn’t theft the cell phone.
After studying the case materials, Telavi District Court convicted Z.Bedoshvili and charged him with deprivation of liberty for 16 (sixteen) years and 8 (eight) months.

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