The Summary Briefing at the Supreme Court of Georgia


The Summary Briefing at the Supreme Court of Georgia

Published: 12/30/2013

On December 30, 2013, the summary briefing was held at the Supreme Court. The Chairman of the Supreme Court Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili informed the media about the significant achievements implemented in the judicial system. “This year has proven that the court reform launched in 2005 was straight, consecutive and well-considered in the view of strengthening the infrastructure and functionality as well as strengthening the independence. Since 2005, the judicial system has been developed, and despite the fact that there were a lot of problems, today we can say with confidence that the judicial system has withstood the pressure and today we have the court system that is one of the most important guarantees of our state democracy. And still there are a lot of challenges in 2014 and I hope that the judicial system will face these challenges with dignity,”- said Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili.

The Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia also answered the questions of journalists.

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