Konstantin Kublashvili Met Thomas Hammarberg


Konstantin Kublashvili Met Thomas Hammarberg

Published: 12/06/2013

On December 5, 2013, the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili had a meeting with Thomas Hammarberg, the EUs special adviser for legal and constitutional reform and human rights in Georgia and discussed the issues on human rights action plan and the future strategy.

“I always meet Mr. Thomas Hammarberg with great pleasure. This kind of meetings is very necessary and important, because the main partners of our country and the system the EU, the Council of Europe and the United States should be aware of the realities that exist today in the court system. Also it will be interesting to hear advices from our partners”, - said the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia.

The Chairman also commented on the appointment of judges for three-year probation period. “This issue contains too many risks and threats for the independence of the judiciary and the judges, especially if the monitoring system will be added to it. We discussed how to create adequate conditions for the independence of the judiciary at the Constitution level. The judges should be given more freedom and not to be limited by three-year term.” - said the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia.

Thomas Hammarberg also made the comments after the meeting. “If the police, the judiciary and the penitentiary system does not work properly, the human rights cannot be protected. And we also talked about the two vacancies of the members of the High Council of Justice.” - said Mr. Hammarberg.

Thomas Hammarberg hopes that after the appointment of those two members in the High Council of Justice, the system will be more improved for the future.

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