Presentation of the Mediation Court Rooms Was Held at...

Presentation of the Mediation Court Rooms Was Held at the Supreme Court

Published: 11/14/2013

On November 14, 2013, the meeting for the media representatives was held at the Supreme Court of Georgia. The Chairman of the Supreme Court Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili gave the latest information to the journalists related the implementation of the Mediation Court Institution.

The introduction of mediation institution was initiated by the Georgian Judiciary into the legal space of Georgia. The Mediation is an alternative method of dispute resolution, including any resolution of the conflict through negotiations.

The mediator is a neutral person, independent and equipped with the proper skills whose goal is to assist the arguing parties to manage a dialogue, and to reach the acceptable, optimal decision for the parties.

For the development of the Mediation Court institution the Georgian Judiciary has already spent two years in partnership with various organizations, including international organizations and educational institutions. Such institutions and organizations as: The High Council of Justice of Georgia, Tbilisi City Court, the National Centre of Alternative Dispute Resolution at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, GIZ, USAID project of strengthening of Legal and Judicial Independence, the High School of Justice are actively involved in the process.

On the basis of special competition 16 individuals were selected who have undergone intensive training, during when there were invited the international experts from the UK, the USA, Germany and the Netherlands.

The special court rooms are intended for the Mediation in Tbilisi City Court, where the mediation hearings will be held from the beginning of December. In future there will be constructed special area for the Mediation in the “House of Justice”, the presentation of which is scheduled for next year.

On November 14, at the Supreme Court of Georgia was held the presentation of those rooms where the mediators will be able to conduct the mediation hearings due to overload number of cases. According to the agreement of the parties a judge sends a particular case to the mediators. By the implementing of the Mediation Court Institution the courts will be unloaded from the concrete cases that will be the subject to examination of mediators under the law.

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