Judges form Estonia Visited Georgia


Judges form Estonia Visited Georgia

Published: 09/20/2013

On September 12-18, 2013, judges from Estonia visited Georgia.

The visit of the delegation was implemented within the project financed by the Development Fund of the Estonian Foreign Ministry. The project aimed to share an experience in family law matters among Estonian, Georgian, Moldavian and Ukrainian Judges. In particular, protection the right of the child during the family disputes.

Estonian delegation was presented by the judges of the Supreme Court of Estonia, by the judges of Tartu City Court, by the lawyers and social workers.

The guests visited Batumi, Kutaisi and Tbilisi City Courts. On September 18, the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia hosted the delegation. The guests visited the historic building of the Supreme Court, the "Museum of justice." Estonian judges also met the Georgian colleagues and were informed about specifics of civil proceedings, time limits of the hearings and the statistical data.

The Estonian delegation was hosted by the Georgian Association of Judges.

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