Citizens express the high level of confidence towards...


Citizens express the high level of confidence towards the court

Published: 06/14/2011

From May 2 to May 18 consumers’ research was conducted at 5 District and 3 City Courts of Georgia. According to the outcomes of the research, big part of the citizens expressed the high level of confidence towards the court.

In total 3787 respondents were interviewed. Basically the questions concerned to the recent environment at courts, the approach of the court employees, terms of case trial and level of trust towards the courts.
The international organizations such as: United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Norwegian Mission of Rule of Law Advisers to Georgia (NORLAG), and American Bar Association (ABA) were observing the current research. 

86 % of the interviewed citizens considered that his/her concern was addressed in proper time. 90,7 % of the respondents stated that s/he was provided with the information by the court in time. The politeness of the court employees was evaluated with the high level - 60,2%, and 33,7% ( good). Only very small part of the citizens evaluated the politeness of the court employees with the average level - 5,3, bad - 0,5 and very bad - 0,2.
82,5% of the respondents considered, that the case was solved in time at courts. Regarding the trust to the court, 75% of the court consumers stated, that they trust the court and 16% - partially trust the court. Correspondingly, the number of those who do not trust the court is reduced. Out of the 3787 respondents 15,6% states, that they do not trust the court and 1,7 – trust the court. 1,6% of the respondents refrained from answering. 

Just a year ago, on May of 2010, the analogous survey was conducted by USAID and the Supreme Court of Georgia. 53% of the respondents stated that they trust the court. On November, 2010, by the order of the same organization, the company IPM conducted the court consumers survey according to which the 60% of the respondents trust the court already. According to the research analysis the trust towards the court is currently increased, which is approved by the final survey. On May of 2011, 75% of the court consumers stated that they trust the court. 

The court authority explains this fact with the constant training of judges and court staff, heightening the qualification, objectivity of judges, and also with the maximum favorable conditions for citizens at courts and correspondingly, improving the quality of justice.

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