The Briefing of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of...


The Briefing of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia

Published: 07/08/2013

On July 8, 2013, the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia Mr. Konstantin Kublasvili talked on the attempts from the opposition and the government representatives to discredit of the judiciary. As the Chief Justice said the insulting statements against the court system and the individual judges became intensive during the last two weeks. 

According to the statements of the Chairman of the Supreme Court, it is necessary to prevent affronts against the judges from the government and the opposition, because “it undermines the courts independence and its development prospects. Such abuse is a direct attempt to influence or interfere in the courts activity. I categorically say that they will not reach the final results with such actions. It is absolutely unacceptable when the representatives of the government and the opposition are committing this, especially at this stage of development of our country. The court decisions may be criticized within the civilized framework, but the final decision will be delivered by the superior instance court. During the last days I heard uncivilized, irresponsible and unfounded criticism. They must understand that the court decisions cannot be changed in light of the protests. The court decision should be appealed and this is the only way it could be changed. The society is developing with the civilized criticism, but everybody should remember that the decisions may be delivered and altered only by the courts,” – noted Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili.

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