The Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia Evaluated...


The Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia Evaluated the Incident at the AkhalTsikhe District Court

Published: 07/05/2013

The Chairman of the Supreme Court Mr. Konstantin Kublasvili commented on todays protests which held before the Akhaltsikhe District Court.

Participants in the rally threw stones and other objects to the court building, the windows were broken and one of the court’s employees was seriously injured.

Chairman of the Supreme Court gave a strict evaluation to the protesters actions.

Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili stated: no one can intimidate the court with such actions. The judges decisions can be appealed to the higher instance court. All the other ways, will it be a rally or protest, will not succeed. The results will come only in case, when the parties will submit the important evidences before the court. The courts decision may be altered only by the court and only in the higher instance court. The actions of the protesters are unjustified and outrageous. It should be also noted that the police were inactive. They took measures only when the demonstrators broke the windows and the Court employee was injured. The prosecutors office must timely investigate the case and punish the perpetrators.

The Secretary of the High Council of Justice Mr. Levan Murusidze also commented on the incident at the Akhaltsikhe District Court. He said that the Judiciary express its indignation concerning the incident at the Akhaltsikhe District Court. No one can intimidate the judges with such actions. The only legal way to alter the court decision is to appeal it in the higher instance court, - said at the todays briefing Mr. Levan Murusidze.

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