The Judge Members of the HCoJ Met With the...


The Judge Members of the HCoJ Met With the Representatives of NGOs and International Organizations

Published: 06/13/2013

On June 13, 2013 the representatives of NGOs and international organizations met with the Judge Members of the HCoJ at the Supreme Court of Georgia.

Before the meeting the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia talked with the journalists about importance of such meetings:
“This is the first meeting of the members of the HCoJ with the representatives of NGOs and international organizations and aims to inform the public about the future activities of the members of the Council. The members of the Council will introduce their views concerning the future developments of the court system and the views on main principles of their activity in the Council. Such meetings will promote more transparency of the HCoJ, and, in general, greater publicity of the judicial system.”

The High Council of Justice will start its functioning from June 22, 2013.

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