The Statement of the Supreme Court of Georgia


The Statement of the Supreme Court of Georgia

Published: 04/11/2013

The Supreme Court of Georgia responds to the statement made by the first Vice-Speaker of the Parliament Mrs. Manana Kobakhidze on April 05, 2013 at the plenary session, concerning the judges of the Supreme Court of Georgia - Mr. Mikheil Chinchaladze and Mr. Levan Murusidze.

Mrs. Manana Kobakhidze tries to mislead the public when declares that Mr. Chinchaladze and Mr.. Murusidze had not worked at the court system before they were appointed as judges. Both - Mr. Chinchaladze and Mr. Murusidze worked at the apparatus of Tbilisi District Court (now Court of Appeal) for 5 years. Afterwards, they continued their legal career at the prosecution service where Mr. Murusidze worked for 11 months and Mr. Chinchaladze worked for 3 years on different positions. Thereafter they commenced their judicial career and were appointed as judges. Even if Mrs. Murusidze and Mr. Chinchaladze had never worked at the Judiciary, it still remains unclear why Ms. Kobakhidze refers to them as “personnel from the Prosecutors Office.” The process of personnel-relocation between judiciary and prosecution is an accepted practice not only in Georgia, but also in leading Western states, where, quite often, a judge becomes a prosecutor, or prosecutor moves to the judiciary (i.e. the USA, Germany, etc).

The Supreme Court also considers the first Vice-Speakers statement, according to which Mr. Chinchaladze used his right to remain silent during the trial, as fully groundless. This statement is false as the mentioned fact did not take place at all. This statement of Mrs. Kobakhidze constitutes the action directed against the judge as well as against his, as individuals, professional dignity. This fact is even more unacceptable when it comes from the high-ranking official who spreads unverified information. At the same time, if Mrs. Vice-Speaker has the information which proves that such a fact did happen, we would like to ask her to name the case, the trial date and the court where the fact took place. (We believe that she will not be able to provide this information due to a very simple reason - because of his high-ranking position at the Prosecutors Office, Mr.Chinchaladze did not used to appear before the court as the State accuser)

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