The Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia Held the...


The Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia Held the Briefing on the Conclusion of the Venice Commission

Published: 03/18/2013

On March 18, 2013, the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili held the briefing for the media representatives about the conclusion of the Venice Commission.

Chairman of the Supreme Court said, "Soon, the Parliament will discuss the draft law amendments of the organic law on “General Courts of Georgia”. As a result of the consultation with the judiciary the Ministry of Justice prepared this draft law, in which, there is not exactly reflected the opinion of the Venice Commission, but, overall, we will wait, that the variant agreed during the consultation will be reflected in the law”. 

Today, Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili also informed the media about the main comments the Judiciary had concerning the first version of this draft law and which were also reflected in the report of the Venice Commission.
The Chairman of the Supreme Court stated that, according to draft law, the members of the High Council of Justice will be elected by the Conference of Judges. The right to be elected will have the court chairmen, the chairmen of the chambers and the chairmen of the collegiums, only with the reservation, that the Chairman of the court once being elected as a member of the High Council of Justice will not have the right to exercise the managerial function. This restriction does not affect to the chairmen of the chambers and collegiums, in case, if they will be elected as members of the High Council of Justice.

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