The Prime Ministers visit in the Supreme Court of...


The Prime Ministers visit in the Supreme Court of Georgia

Published: 03/06/2013

Chairman of the Supreme Court of Georgia Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili held the meeting with the Prime Minister of Georgia Mr. Bidzina Ivanishvili. It was Close-door meeting and continued for more than 3 hours. After the meeting the Chairmen of the Supreme Court and the Prime minister made special announcement for the media representatives. 

The prime Minister met the Chairman of the Supreme Court for first time and said that the meeting was interesting.

“Society has to believe that Court is fair. We have discussed the issue that reform of the court system is necessary. Despite the fact that new amendments are prepared by the ministry of justice, the Chairman of the Supreme Court agrees with the 80% percent of them. He also has some questions. I cannot be more concrete while talking about Court system as I am not professional in this field. I know Mr. Kublashvilis biography well enough; I know his past, and think he has possibility to end his term with dignity and Maintain the independence and objectivity of Court system.” announced Mr. Ivanishvili. 

He also mentioned that during the meeting, they had discussion about existing problems. “There are questions regarding past time, but it must be mentioned that lot of things have been done in the court system during this time and the Chairman of the Supreme Court has his positive contribution in all this. The main thing is, we agree in main principals. But we couldn’t agree about number of existing questions. We also agree on the issue that Court has to be independent. I have given guarantees to the Chairman of the Supreme Court and I can repeat it, me as the leader of Coalition or any member of our team will not dear to interfere in the court affairs. I guaranteed him independence and I have convinced him in this.” announced Mr. Ivanishvili.

On the question of media representatives, if they concerned the topic of the impeachment procedure Of the Chairman of the Supreme Court, Prime minister announced that they even hadn’t mentioned this word in their meeting. “We only talked about how to proceed forward, how to develop.” announced Mr. Ivanishvili. 

After the Prime minister the Chairman of the Supreme Court has made assessment of the meeting. He stated that he welcomes any meeting that will serve the independence of the Court system and he will always take part in such meeting with pleasure. 

As the Chairman of the Supreme Court announced, during the meeting they talked about topics and issues that are necessary for the Court system to be performed in more powerful way as independent, objective and unbiased body. “We talked about the ways that will make the Court system more powerful. I hope that this is the step forward from the Government and they will act in regards of the court system in the way that any Government ought to. Objective assessment regarding Courts should be made from the Government as well as from the opposition. That is necessary for the Court System for being free from corruption and free from any politician. Everybody has his own view, but it should not apply independence of the court system. 

The prime minister liked initiative of the Court - discussing court practice together with the prosecutors, lawyers and NGOs. 

After the meeting Prime minister visited the “Justice Museum”.

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