The Chairman of the Supreme Court met the media...


The Chairman of the Supreme Court met the media representatives

Published: 03/04/2013

On March 4, 2013, the Chairman of the Supreme Court Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili held the press conference for the media representatives about the amendments in Criminal Procedure Code of Georgia which will regulate the rules of the media coverage during the trial. 

Before the conversation Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili mentioned that the rule will be set in motion after the amendments in the “Law of Common Courts of Georgia” will be enforced.

The Chairman of the Supreme Court gave a precise explanation of the rules for media representatives, which defines the obligation of the courts to ensure audio-video recording, as well as duties and obligations of Georgian Public Broadcasting and other TV broadcastings concerning the video and audio recording of the court trials.

Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili also answered the media questions on this theme.

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