The Chairman of the Supreme Court commented on the...


The Chairman of the Supreme Court commented on the accusations of General Prosecutors Office

Published: 02/27/2013

On February 26, 2013 the Chairman of the Supreme Court Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili explained to media representatives again, that the claims recently submitted against Judiciary are ill-founded. 

Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili mainly focused on the fact, when the judge of Poti City Court was summoned to the prosecutors office. "This is a violation of the Constitution, when the judge is summoned and asked to give a testimony on the case he delivered a judgment. This means that Georgia is leaving a legal space, and returns back to the 19th century. No one has the right to ask the judge report on the case, he delivered a judgment. This is the basic principle of all the democratic and legal states, and when the Georgian Prosecutors Office violates this principle, this is what I call a step to the past, and it will be very difficult for us to move forward and rise up the state with democratic values ".

The Chairman of the Supreme Court also commented on the legal education diplomas of two judges, and the negative conclusion of the prosecutors office concerning these documents. 

"The prosecutors office cannot reach any result. The prosecutors office made this statement in an irresponsible manner and by this action it puts under the question the court decisions of hundreds of people these judges discussed during the years. The only precise way to solve the issue is the administrative dispute and again and again the parties of these decisions must submit it. This is the way and the process that the government of the state with democratic values should have", Said Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili.

At the end of the briefing the media representatives asked the Chairman of the Supreme Court about the preventive measures concerning the Tbilisi City Mayor, which was rejected by the City Court. The Chairman said:
"We all should respect the courts decisions, and those who dislike or disagree with these decisions, may appeal to the higher court instance. An alternative approach to this problem does not exist ", - said Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili at the end of the meeting.

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