The Chairman of the Supreme Court made an assessment...


The Chairman of the Supreme Court made an assessment on the facts of pressure against the judges

Published: 02/26/2013

On February 25, 2012, the Chairman of the Supreme Court Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili commented the cases concerning the facts when the Chairman of Poti City Court was summoned by the prosecutor before the investigative agency and the personal files of two judges were requested from the High Council of Justice. 

On February 22, the prosecutor made a motion before the court and demanded the personal files of two judges from the High Council of Justice. On the same week Prosecutors Office sent a notice to the Chairman of Poti City Court and summoned him before the investigative agency for the interrogation. The prosecutor had some questions to the judge about the certain case heard in 2009. 

The Chairman of the Supreme Court made a tough assessment on the Prosecutors Office actions. "I would like to make a straight statement, that to send a notice to the judge and his interrogation as a witness concerning the case which was examined by the judge is the straight interference in the independence of the judiciary and the direct violation of the Constitution. Nobody has the right to request the judge to make a report on particular case. At the same time, personal files of two judges were requested from the High Council of Justice by the Prosecutors Office for the examination and this is to be considered as a pressure. We have already discussed this issue, and we conclude, that legal education diplomas of these judges are compatible with the requirements of our legislation," said Konstantin Kublashvili.

The Chairman of the Supreme Court also talked about the investigation on the incident concerning the fact of pressure on the assistant to judge of the Tbilisi City Court.

Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili said that the prosecutions office has to investigate the fact more diligent and accomplish the case, which, according to the Chairman, goes in a rather inefficient manner.

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