The Statement of the Chairman of the Supreme Court


The Statement of the Chairman of the Supreme Court

Published: 12/21/2012

On December 21, 2012, the Chairman of the Supreme Court issued the statement for mass media concerning the events about Georgian Judiciary which took place during the last few days.

In his speech, Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili once again evaluated the fact of pressure carried out on the assistant to the City Court Judge. Prior to the Statement the Chairman of the Supreme Court personally met the assistant to the judge and thanked her for demonstration of audacity and conscientiously discharge of her duties:

"Our meeting aimed closer acquaintance with the person who defended the dignity and prestige of the judiciary and did not scare of coercion and declared about it. I thanked her very much and also pledged for future support that her safety will be protected. We also expect that the case will be investigated very thoroughly and will be identified those people who carried out such actions against the judiciary."

Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili also talked about improving the regulations concerning the court orders issued for the secret wiretapping.

"We want to improve, specify and develop a higher standard the judicial orders which authorized investigation to wiretap of certain individuals. We are going to create a working group, headed by the First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court, Mr. Zaza Meishvili. The group will be composed of those judges who have extensive experience in this special issue. In this regard, the aim of establishing of the high standards is effective implementation of the measures of agencies for the operational-investigative activities, because their function is the struggle against the crime and offenders, as well as the establishment of high standards in order to be maintained the citizens rights, including of persons who enjoy the their immunity. These two interests must be consistent with each other and, therefore, must be reflected during the issuance of any such order."- said the Chairman of the Supreme Court.

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