Kutaisi City Court Delivered the Judgment of Acquittal

qutasisi sasamartlo

Kutaisi City Court Delivered the Judgment of Acquittal

Published: 11/16/2012

On November 16, 2012, the Speaker of the Supreme Court of Georgia Mrs. Natia Tskhadaia commented on the Judgment of Kutaisi City Court before the media.

According to the Spokesperson, on November 16, 2012, Kutaisi City Court acquitted Mr. Elizbar Bandzeladze and released him from the courtroom.

Elizbar Banaladze was accused for purchase, possession and disposal of items obtained illegally in prior acknowledgement, indicated crime as a means of punishment establishes the fine or imprisonment up to 2 years.
After the analyzing of the evidences examined during the court session, Kutaisi City Court considered that there was a lack of all the necessary weight of irrefutable and convincing evidences in order to find the accused person guilty. During the court hearings the prosecutor failed to present the sufficient evidences to prove that the defendant preliminary knew that the goods were stolen. The accused person pleaded not guilty and used his right of silence. After the examination of all the case materials Kutaisi City Court considered the accused person as innocent and released him from the court room.

This was the ninth verdict of not guilty concerning 15 persons during 2012 delivered by Kutaisi City Court. In whole, the common courts of Georgia acquitted 112 persons during 10 months for the current year, that is 9, 3 per cents of the cases examined on merits.

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