Statement of the Supreme Court


Statement of the Supreme Court

Published: 04/06/2011

Within the last two days various political parties or attorneys enrolled in those parties are expressing the protest in front of the Supreme Court building.
Requirements and “rules of conduct” are of the same: abusive statements, inappropriate behavior of politicians and attorneys, theatrical slogans to attract public attention. The aim of the demonstrates were to influence on judges, considering the particular case interesting for them, and on the court. 

Once again, the Supreme Court categorically states, that the participants of the protest won’t have possibility to influence on the court. The court will always be guided by law and calls on the same the attorneys who violate the Attorneys’ Ethics Code with the participation in these kind of protests and expression of abusive assumptions in advance. The right of “fair trial” won’t be achieved with shooting eggs on the historical court house. 

This right can be achieved only by high professional defense in the court rooms rather than manipulating with their clients interests and blame with failure. The right to a fair trial can be achieved with the appeal in the upper instance as well.
Those attorneys, who do not violate the rules of attorneys’ ethics, every day work on the development of their professional skills and achieve the goal only by legal ways, accomplish the case with the corresponding results. 25-30 percent of appealed judgment at the courts of appeal, by such category of the attorneys, are resolved for the favor of sentenced persons.

Attorneys should not only be interested in finance. When writing the complaint they must be acquainted with the practice of court and their appeals or cassations must be reasonably approved. In case if the attorney discovers alleged violation by a judge in the court judgment, s/he must address the High Council of Justice, who considers the judges’ action and delivers the competent decision. 

These kind of rules appear in all democratic countries and attorneys conform them, as they care about their reputation and professional image. Attorney, who abuses the court to make a progress in his/her career and tries to attract clients, is predestined to professional failure from the beginning. Those kind of attorneys once and finally must make choice: defense the rights of clients in legal ways or be members of the political movements and demonstrations. The Supreme Court publicly states, that the court is the place, where the parties compete only on the base of evidences, only on the base of law and only for the better demonstration of their own positions. The court examines those positions and the party with better legal positions - wins. 

No protests and pressures can affect the court judgments. Therefore, we recommend the participant attorneys of protest, to use only court rooms to protect their own positions.

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