Students of Kharagauli School of Journalists visited...

xaragauleli moswavleebi

Students of Kharagauli School of Journalists visited the Supreme Court of Georgia

Published: 09/11/2012

On September 11, 2012 the Students of Kharagauli School of Journalists – “The Hope of Future Day” – visited the Supreme Court of Georgia.

The Students saw the historical building of the Court and familiarized with the specificity of court functioning and the ongoing reforms in our judiciary.

The Chairman of the Supreme Court Mr. Konstantin Kublashvili welcomed the Students of school of journalists and answered their questions concerning the already implemented and ongoing reforms inside the court system. The guest students also received the information about the Jury Trial.

Such meetings are periodically held in the Supreme Court of Georgia. The student visits will be continued again from the beginning of the new school year.

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