The Supreme Court of Georgia Welcomed International...


The Supreme Court of Georgia Welcomed International Organizations and Presented Official Statistics

Published: 07/24/2012

The Supreme Court of Georgia Welcomed International Organizations and Presented Official Statistics

Published on: 24/07/2012

On 24th of July, 2012, the Supreme Court of Georgia organized the presentation of the official statistics of the Supreme Court of Georgia as of 6 months of 2012.

Information about statistics of courts activities is periodically published on the courts’ web-pages. And now, the Supreme Court of Georgia presented the official statistics as of 6 months of the current year to the representatives of various international organizations and journalists.

According to the official statistics of 2012, number of criminal cases filed to the courts has decreased. As of 6 months of 2011, 7218 criminal cases were filed in the courts. In the same period of time in 2012, the numbers of criminal cases filed in the courts were only 5907.

According to the analysis of statistics of criminal cases, judges mostly apply non-custodial sentences during the case trial. As of 6 months of 2012, from 6971 convicted individuals 2953 individuals were sentenced to deprivation of liberty (in whole 42.4. % of convicted individuals); conditional sentences were applied for 3299 convicted individuals (accordingly 47.3 %); fine was imposed on 413 convicted individuals (that is 5.9 %); community labor was applied for 304 convicted individuals (that is 4.4 %). The share of non-custodial sentences is 57.6 %. 

It should be noted that our courts often apply “community labor” among the applied sentences.

The numbers of acquittal sentences are increased. According the 6-month period of 2012, acquittal sentences were applied towards 83 individuals, which exceeded the previous year in 64 individuals, i.e. more in 3.4 times.

According to the analysis of court statistics, much more individuals apply to the courts.

During the 6-month period of 2012, case filings to the trial courts are as following - 954 more civil cases, i.e. 6 % more than the previous year; and 375 more administrative cases, i.e. 7.9 % more than the previous year. The number of such category of cases is straight proportionally connected to the increased public confidence towards the court system.

The lower percentage of appealed decisions is still preserved. Appealed cases out of those heard during 4 months in 2012: 228 criminal cases, i.e.5.8 %; 1028 civil cases, i.e. 8.7 %; and 586 administrative cases, i.e. 17 %.


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