Distinguished International Experts Give a Course of...


Distinguished International Experts Give a Course of Lectures for the Mediators

Published: 07/19/2012

On 19th of July, 2012, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University hosted the trainings on mediation for the candidates who had successfully passed the selective competition. As a result, 21 candidates were selected in whole.

CEDR (the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution; the Head office is based in London, The UK) – is Europe’s leading commercial mediation and alternative dispute resolution provider – will give several courses of lectures for the future mediators. Georgian Judiciary together with international support and cooperation of Judicial Independence and Legal Empowerment Project (JILEP) of USAID and German International Cooperation Society (GIZ), organized the visit of CEDR experts.

The first stage of the trainings will be held on 19th-21th and on 23th-24th of July. The second stage will be held in August (the lasts days of the month). After the completion of the training process, mediators will solve several disputes in Tbilisi City Court within the frames of pilot project of mediation.

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