Sessions of the High Council of Justice will be public...


Sessions of the High Council of Justice will be public for interested persons

Published: 04/04/2012

On April 3, 2012, the session of the High Council of Justice was opened by Konstantin Kublashvili, the Chairman of the Supreme Court and High Council of Justice of Georgia.
According to the agenda, six important issues were considered, in particularly: approval of the action plan of communication and confidence between the High Council of Justice and the society; set the date for the judges’ qualification exam; draft decision of the High Council of Justice on “the approaval of the rule to conduct judges’ qualification exam and qualification exam program”; draft decision of the High Council of Justice on “the approval of the rule for internship program at the Distrci (City) and Appellate Courts and High Council of Justice”; the draft decision of the High Council of Justice of Georgia on “the approaval of communication standards with citizens at the common courts of Georgia and High Council of Justice”.
Today’s Council session was public for all interested persons and the representatives of the Judicial Independence and Legal Empowerments Project financed by the USAID, Young Lawyers Association and other non-governmental organizations attended the session.
According to the regulation of the High Council of Justice of Georgia, sessions are convened as necesserly, but no less than once in three months. Agenda of the sessions will be published on the web page of the High Council of Justice and every interested person will have opportunity to attend it.

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