Seminar on Methods Adjudication at the Supreme Court...


Seminar on Methods Adjudication at the Supreme Court of Georgia

Published: 11/26/2018

On November 26, 2018 a two-day workshop commenced at the Supreme Court of Georgia: "Methods of decision-making in criminal law in the first instance courts”. The workshop was organized by German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ).

The judges of the first instance courts were welcomed by the Acting Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia, Chairperson of the Civil Cases Chamber, Judge  Mzia Todua. She highlighted the importance of the main topic of the seminar and provided participants with examples of her own professional judicial activity.

Ms. Khatuna Diasamidze, a representative from German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ) was another speaker of the workshop.  Uwe Stark, a judge of the local court of Siegen, made a presentation  on various topical issues, like  child abduction (Gäfgen, “case), deprivation of liberty, hostage-taking, murder, rejection of evidence admissibility,  motivational part, a policeman (“Daschner” case ), extortion-torture, exculpatory circumstances, purpose of punishment, imposing a sentence and etc.

At the final part of the workshop participants and experts held discussions and expressed their opinions on the covered topics.

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